
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

term 4 goals

This is my term for goals. This term i will be trying to accomplish my goals,i have five weeks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

bruce potter (not related to harry potter)

bruce potter came to our school and he told us that he is an author and an illustrator he draw a awesome animal joint with another animal and another animal it was pretty cool he also loves doodling and you will see my doodle in the slide.he told us he likes art.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

My story to Koro Apirana

What you are about to read is something to do with the whale rider and Koro Apirana.

This is my story hope you enjoy.

Dear Koro Apirana, I have heard about you. You have been shouting at her and growling her. I think you should let kahu be a leader but meaning that does not mean that you have to give up your tradition.But you need to give her a good job for example fighting not a good job but being in powhiri is a good job.

 Traditions are good but some are just too tough, girls not being able to do what they want,when men can. you should allow girls to be leader.

Koro Apirana you should teach girls what you teach boys like need to renegotiate some of your tradition.If you spend time with her you might get along. You can not get rid of her she will always be part of you.

 You are so rude you can't even attend to your grandchild's school performance you would've loved that maybe if you attended it you would felt differently but you don't care about kahu at all. I HOPE YOU CHANGEI!!!

My whale rider work

                                                                                                                        We have been reading the                                                                                                                          whale rider.This is my                                                                                                                                 work.hope you enjoy.

maths grid

Monday, July 22, 2019

Term three goals

Here I have my goals for this term.I did my goals partly because I was told to but also because it is a good way of learning new things.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Gizzy huia brooch

Did the film communicate the script?
yes indeed.

Did it communicate the rising emotion being portrayed? partly.

What could you shoot differently?
being louder.

What would make your film more understandable?
talk more.

What would give your film more emotional impact?
different voice.

Matariki should it be a holiday

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

This is my artwork film

this is my writing Virgo

By angus
The element: is earth
The ruler is: mercury

Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and plant/land, Virgos are in order, practical, and organised in their way in life. This earth sign is a perfect and at the heart and isn’t afraid to improve skills through hard working and consistent practice. They're super aware of every detail.

A person born between October 22 and September 24 are Virgos. The storys associated with Virgo may include acurricy  from a desire to be help and of duty. The constellation Virgo .a Latin form of the word for virgin. contains the star cluster of several thousand galaxies.

The first use for Constellations was probably spiritual meaning. People thought that the Gods lived in the heavens and that they created them. Many cultures thought that the positions of the stars were their God's way of telling stories. they named the constellations after their imagined heroes and legends.

The stars allowed farmers to plan ahead and form agriculture, and constellations made it easier to recognize and interpret the patterns in the sky. The constellations also helped with navigation.

Monday, April 29, 2019

my goals term two

This is my term two goals for this year

Friday, March 15, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

description of the eels outside

this is a description of insides and outside of eels.
firstly we deslimed our eels by using paper towels then we went back and started the investigation.
first we cut the head and tail off and then made a big slice down the middle.
we did this to learn about the animals and what they have been doing in the ocean and river.we got some interesting parts out to look at them closely.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

my Amazing maths grid

Each week we do a maths grid so we get faster and more teaches as about trying to finish in time.
here is my maths grid and below is my time chart

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

term 1 goals of the week

Each monday we do a quote about random quotes that are  related to learning.

The quote teaches me about thinking deeper and going to conclusions.